Ok a while ago wearing a network hat and arrived with that
view of network abstraction on top of the network virtualization as a
consequence of SDN (see previous blog). Some of the results looked more like a classic approach on exposing
network assets as APIs and can actually be done without using SDN. But looking
at the first category of abstraction, I said to myself that there must be something
disruptive and game changing by implementing SDN, so wearing a IT hat I arrived
with a more complete thinking about network abstraction :
Major internet service providers like Google already have very
distributed core network of IT resources (based on commoditized blades) and
they have realized that this network had to be very dynamic, programmable, and
low cost and therefore using SDN/Openflow or equivalent is a way to handle these
They also are spending a lot of efforts in expand this core network
with remote IT resources by:
- giving SDN racks to be installed in other networks, (viewed as a CDN solution for Youtube)
- providing home/enterprise gateways to be attached to operator networks or within enterprise networks (viewed as a TV solution (GoogleTV) or as a search optimization solution (Google Appliance)
- providing downloadable code to end user devices viewed as a browser/device bases service platform (chrome) or as search expansion (google desktop)
- and
adding openflow like functionality in android which means that any android devices can be viewed as an IT resource....
Each of these activities provide a service to the
user/enterprise (TV, CDN, optimization etc…) and at the same time drastically expand their core
network of IT resources. This pushes the
network providers to become a forwarding plane managing opaque tunnels (I will
prefer canals term see why later) carrying high level/value signalling/payload between
the remote IT resources and their core network.
While this situation is basically unavoidable and could appear
as yet another form of disintermediation, network operators can also change the
game as a consequence of implementing SDN. Network operators are implementing SDN to reduce cost by performing
two actives:
- Virtualize the hardware of each network element (base stations, firewalls, routers, switches etc…)
- Create distributed controllers to make the network easy to configure (ultimately software based), cheap to manage.
The second activity is core since there is a need to quickly
and dynamically establish paths (route, vpn etc..) in the network but this will
be completely hidden to developers. The virtualization activity can be used to create
IT resources (using a de facto abstraction standard like AWS specs) that can be
used by developers to run their machine images or implement storage buckets. The
abstraction is implemented as an extra workload
on the network element virtualized hardware and a broker (similar to the
brokers for hybrid cloud implementations) is needed to find the IT resources either
in an explicit way of based on rules/policies or even analytics. A cloud watch equivalent must also be
implemented as part of the abstraction to give IT resource feedback to the
This means that the network abstraction result for using SDN
is a massively distributed data center with very interesting IT resources called: edge IT resources. Of course the network based IT resources will
have constraints and therefor will makes them different from the data centre based
IT resources, but having different IT resources is not a problem for developers
(e.g. AWS has more than 17 EC2 instance types).
The network based IT resources and more specifically the
edge IT resources are game changing because:
- Only a network operator can implement this type of edge IT resources.
- We are dealing now with IT resources that are 1ms away for the devices hence reducing the need of running workloads in the device while still maintaining a very responsive user experience hence avoiding unnecessary power and bandwidth consumption.
- Offload the core network of IT blades of the small workloads that are created to pre-empt activities performed on mobile devices (these small workloads have similar size of overhead than the large workloads and with the proliferation of mobile devices (e.g.: Kindle for Amazon) there is an important increase of the ratio "total overhead"/"total effective workload" thus reducing the value generated by the core network of IT resources. This is a similar problem known by the network providers with the header versus payload ratio.
- Network operators are not just canals handler, but a part of the IT supply chain which increases their visibility of the high value activities at the software service level.
In this situation network operators are not just canals handler,
but a part of the IT supply chain which increase their visibility of the high
value activities at the software service level.
From an infrastructure perspective, the developers will see
a continuum of IT resources from the back end to the device including the
network instead of having to deal with the network as an IT no man’s land which
today has a great negative impact in particular on mobile or M2M solutions.
The way software services need to be developed in order to
fully benefit of the continuum of IT resources should actually not be a problem
for cloud developer since they are already handling the following:
- API: developers are already familiar with consuming API (internal or 3rd parties) in order to develop their solutions and therefore they know how to develop solution based on loosely coupled software elements.
- Elasticity: cloud developers are already aware of the complexity/benefits when dealing with a cloud infrastructure by using elasticity. It appears that there are different sophistication levels on elasticity:
- Level 1: request or release of IT resources to match the load (available services)
- Level 2: use of elasticity to handle IT resource failures while still coping with the load (resilient services)
- Level 3: broadening the criteria to trigger elasticity process (dynamic services)
- Level 4: depending on a hybrid cloud broker to get IT resources in different part of the accessible continuum of IT resources (nomadic services)
- Level 5: analytic based criteria to trigger the elasticity process and analytic based broker to get the IT resource (liquid service),
- Many cloud developers are already pass beyond level 3.
- API discovery: when software elements move (e.g. software element following roaming devices), an explicit or implicit “DNS” like system pattern may be needed to discover where the new API endpoint. This is similar to what has been developed and deployed by Apigee API Exchange.
- Resource discovery: data access also needs to be handled appropriately in order to make sure that the data can follow the software elements. XRD based index can be used for that. This may not solve completely the consistency problem of the data but developers are already familiar with dealing with inconsistent or almost consistent data by the time the level of consistency is known.
Today because of the IT no man’s land, canals have to be built
thru the network in order to let the liquid services move closer to the devices.
Making the network (operator/enterprise) a massively distributed data center as an abstraction
consequence of implementing SDN, will be like opening levies and letting the existing
and future liquid services expand up to an edge that is very close (1ms) to the devices and therefore to the user
providing human touch like user experiences which are advertised by 5G
networks. This may imply that 5G will actually not be solved only by improving the
radio/network but also by a completely different IT approach and a maturity in
distributed software towards liquid services.